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16 Dives in the Malacca Straits exploring the HIJMS Haguro. Quite a trip!

Malacca Straits, Malaysia Trip…

Andrew Fock (Exp leader)-  Inspiration
Les Rothbart – Inspiration
Paul McMurrick – Inspiration
Mike Campbell – PRISM
Kevin Denlay – Mk 15.5
Simon McNally – O/C
Phil Teutter (Capt USN) – O/C

On The Haguro, we did 16 dives (69m), 4 on the IJN Light cruiser Kuma (45m), 1 on an Italian Submarine and 2 on the 30,000 ton cruise liner SunVista. Quite a trip!

Rich Helium mix (16:65), 80/50 GF, no bends, no niggles, no real issue. Bloody brilliant!

Viva La Inspiration!

Andrew Fock (Exp leader)

The dives were conducted in November of this year and it was an Explorers club and Australian Geographic expedition. Maximum  depth was 69msw. Bottom times were generally 40-50 minutes.November 2010 on the MV Empress. Full report published in Australian Sport Diving Nov issue.



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