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    Share your latest dive reports, recommendations and experiences
     The "Gombessa II" Expedition
    24 Hour World Record Dive

TAMATAROA 1 – The Great Hammerhead Shark Survey

TAMATAROA 1 – Laurent Ballesta’s latest mission: to conserve the Gt Hammerhead Shark in French Polynesia…

Inside the Coral Triangle

A newly led expedition uncovers the secrets of the Lengguru Range (West Papua, New Guinea)

24 Hour World Record Dive

The “GOMBESSA II” Expedition 2014 – 24 Hour World Record Dive – Solving the mysteries of the Marbled Grouper

Japan’s Yonaguni Monument

A fantastic selection of photography by Dave Mothershaw diving at the illusive Yonaguni Monument, 130km off the coast of Taiwan.

Kuda Maru – WWII Japanese Gold Wreck Expedition

During the first week of May 2012 a daring team of technical divers did an amazing 16 trimix dives to depths of +/‐90m (300ft) using rebreathers on a WWII shipwreck that is believed to be the Kuda Maru, off the coast of Cebu, Philippines.

AP Diving provide the life-support for James Cameron’s deepest dive – March 2012

AP Diving congratulate James Cameron and the Deepsea Challenge team on their successful dive to 10,898m / 36,070 ft – the ocean’s deepest point – Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench.

University of Hawaii Deep Coral Reef Study

This is a joint project between UH, Bishop Museum and the Hawaii State DLNR using our CCR team and the Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory sub Pisces-V. Following is some backstory on what we were doing, written by Richard.

Australian Geographic & Explorers Club Expedition

16 Dives in the Malacca Straits exploring the HIJMS Haguro. Quite a trip!