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    Tech You Can Trust

    There’s a lot of detail below. But if you’re just skimming, what you really need to know is this: AP Diving use technology to help you achieve your dive potential. With system-wide safety and crystal clear status information - before, during and post-dive - you can confidently test your abilities, knowing your kit has your back.

     Jeff Parker ©



2020VISION Electronics - Purpose Built

Mike Etheredge AP ©


Crystal clear communication with multiple back-up systems

Inspiration rebreathers are intelligent at heart. Seamless hardware & software integration alongside multiple redundancy means you’re never in doubt about the status of your unit.

All AP Inspiration rebreathers have Vision electronics at their core. With ultra-reliable performance, benchmark oxygen control, intuitive, versatile operations and crystal clear messaging, Vision helps advanced CCR divers push their ability to the limit and allows skilled OC divers to make the switch more easily.

Key elements of the Vision package

  • Crystal clear, unequivocal communication across entire system
  • The world’s only CCR with 2 independent, intelligently-linked, Ocontrollers
  • Redundancy built-in throughout – back-up power and readable, audible & visual warnings
  • Wrist-mounted LCD screen display with easy-read numbers, graphics and text
  • 3 independent display systems - primary and secondary (on handset) and HUD
  • Head Up Display (HUD) – unique “no flood” fibre-optic green/red light LED display
  • Integrated mixed gas deco computer – with simple upgrade keys for divers & trainers
  • Real-time dive memory, dive planning software and PC download
  • Available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Czech, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian and Chinese
Richie Kohler
  1. PO2 close to Setpoint = 2 solid green lights - Green For Go
  2. Low oxygen = slow flashing red. High oxygen = fast flashing red

Other combinations communicate a variety of messages - e.g. alternate red and green = a cell warning, solid red = a non-suppressible warning (deco ceiling violation etc) - but in reality, any red light at all indicates... "check your handset".

Brilliant news for underwater photographers… Your dive is no longer dominated by continual reference to the handset display, conveniently placed as that may be… In normal use, the HUD shows two green lights. If a warning is generated, you see one or two reds… In reality any flash of red at the HUD had me referring to the handset instantly. Green meant good, and red meant check.”

John Bantin - Visionary Evolution - Diver Test Special


Everything you need to know, when you need to know it

The wristset primary display with IPS LCD colour screen is the communication hub of the 2020Vision system offering clarity in both senses - readability and understanding.

The key requirement – to “Always Know your PO 2 ” – is catered for with a constant central display clearly showing all 3 cells’ readings in real-time. The Slave controller’s readings are hidden but can be called up at any time for comparison.


  • Crystal clear communication at-a-glance
  • Real-time PO2 readings of all 3 cells constantly visible
  • Controller, Setpoint, scrubber life (if chosen) and both batteries’ status
  • Dive time, depth, max depth and all deco information (if chosen)
  • Clear warnings – with conditional colouring of text and graphics
  • Backlight – user-adjustable underwater to suit conditions and eye-sight
  • Timed auto-dimming to prolong battery life and auto-brightness for warnings

In-Plane Switching (IPS) LCD screen technology: presents a high-resolution, high-contrast display, with vivid colour consistency across incredible viewing angles and excellent readability even in very poor visibility.

All vital information is on display: which controller is in control, chosen Setpoint, selected diluent, scrubber status (optional), both batteries’ status and which battery (or both) is providing power.

On the surface: date and time are shown with atmospheric pressure.

Underwater: dive time, current depth and maximum depth. If you’ve chosen Nitrox or Trimix deco options, the display shows No Stop Time or Total Time to Surface (TTS) and ceiling depth once you require deco stops.

Conditional Colouring of Text & Graphics : intuitive communication offering “at-a-glance” confirmation that “all-is-well” and emphasising critical and marginal status changes and warnings.

Written warnings in capital letters are clear & definite: e.g. HIGH OXYGEN, CELL WARNING, LOW BATTERY, SLOW (ascent speed warning) and so on. See manual for the full list. Warnings are reinforced by display graphics, an audible buzzer and the HUD.

Selectable Themes: diver selectable to suit individual preference: includes the default ‘Smart’ (shown above), ‘Colour Blind’, ‘Candy’ or ‘Mono White’.

Custom Theme Designer: Custom Theme Designer software is included as standard. This allows the diver to create unique themes to suit individual preference, colour perception or dive conditions. Safe-guarding limitations are built-in to prevent low contrast choices but otherwise there is plenty of scope to experiment, upload and save up to 2 Custom themes for selection at start-up.

Multi-lingual: Currently available in: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Czech, Danish, Norwegian, Russian, Chinese and Swedish… with more languages to be added soon.


You should always have a back-up plan

  • Patented independent Dual Oxygen Controllers (C1 & C2)
  • Master (C1) controls PO2 with benchmark accuracy: +/- 0.05 bar of Setpoint
  • Intelligent, independently powered Slave (C2) monitors the Master (C1) constantly
  • The Slave (C2) will automatically promote itself, taking control, if C1 fails
  • Independent, intelligently linked Dual Power Supplies

Bottom line: a back-up oxygen controller is not just a desirable… it’s an absolute essential.

AP Inspirations are the only rebreathers with two independent oxygen controllers (patented). Both controllers monitor the PO2 constantly but C1 has control of the solenoid to maintain the PO2 and displays the readings in real-time. If your PO2 changes, you know instantly. If one controller fails, you have back up. This means you can push your dive capabilities to the max, knowing exactly what’s happening with your oxygen pressure and with each cells’ performance.

The Slave is independently powered, can issue warnings, and automatically take control if necessary. It is also programmed, as a “catch-all”, to instantly add oxygen to the loop if the PO2 drops to 80% of setpoint. The Slave can be manually promoted at any time by the diver if desired.

Power for the controller in charge will be drawn from whichever battery has sufficient voltage. So for example, Battery 2 (B2) will be promoted to Master battery should B1 reach low battery warning level. If both batteries are running low they will even share provision, the solenoid and handset drawing power from B1 and B2 together.

Why have two independent controllers?

All other makes of rebreather have one oxygen controller and one power supply. Fine so long as they are working ok. You get a warning if your battery power fades normally, but what happens if it goes instantly? Faulty cells, bad contacts, a broken joint in the cabling - all rare events - but they only need to happen once... the controller would stop and you would get no warnings! Given the normal distractions of diving, would you really notice that the solenoid has stopped firing… or that the HUD has gone out… maybe, maybe not?

With the Inspiration’s dual controllers, the independently powered Slave instantly takes command if anything goes wrong with C1 or its power supply , multiple audible and visual warnings let you know it has done this and C2 assumes control of the PO2 to the same +/- 0.05bar accuracy as before. Bottom line… there’s no substitute for a 2nd oxygen controller system.

Martin Parker, MD, AP Diving


Easily configure your unit
from standard Dive-Timer to Nitrox or Trimix

  • Program every gas on the boat!
  • Simple personal activation key-codes to upgrade to Nitrox or Trimix
  • Pre-programmed gradient factors - offer conservatism choice
  • No sudden shut downs or deco lock-outs

Vision gives you essential deco information, based on real-time PO 2 in the breathing circuit and real-time depth, using the Bühlmann ZHL-16C algorithm with gradient factor conservatism.

You can configure Vision software from basic Dive Timer to integrated deco software - Nitrox to Trimix - by purchasing simple activation code uploads. Together with plug-n-play hardware, it means the same rec. unit you started with can grow and develop with you as your experience and qualifications progress. This future-proof versatility is unique to the Inspiration.

With 9 user-defined pre-set gas mixes using closed circuit diluents or open circuit gases, the deco calculations are continuous through every CCR and open circuit bail-out scenario. Set your standard gasses for the season or change them for every dive - even underwater if you need to.

You don’t need to worry about out-of-the-blue shutdowns or deco lockouts either. Vision has intelligent dual power supplies and other safeguards built-in to prevent this. And if you violate your deco ceiling the display simply continues showing “EST”imated deco until the computer has desaturated.

Depending on your age, fitness, dive experience and diving environment you may choose a more conservative ascent profile. Nitrox divers can choose from 5 pre-programmed Gradient Factor settings, Trimix divers can enter the Gradient Factors directly into the Vision to allow cross-matching with dive planning software.


Dual Head Up Display

Two Independent Displays. Unit status at-a-glance.

  • World’s only fibre-optic no-flood HUD
  • Two independent displays - one for each controller
  • No distractions, simple messages – Green for Go…
  • Advance warning before danger levels reached
  • Your dive buddy can see your unit status easily
  • Adjustable brightness for day and night diving

In normal dive operation - when PO2 is close to setpoint - you see just two solid green lights, one for each controller. It stays on these until it has got something important to tell you for example slow flashing red is “low oxygen”, fast flashing is “high oxygen”- simple. Unlike some makes you don’t need to count the flashes to know what the HUD is telling you.

Vision’s Head Up Display has two pairs of LEDs , (each pair connected independently to each controller) green on the bottom, red on the top – just four lights in all.

When you take your diving seriously the last thing you need are flashing lights (some makes expect you to count the flashes!) in your face mask throughout the dive - your brain soon learns to ignore them. AP Inspiration rebreathers leave flashing lights for warnings only. And back it up with a buzzer alarm.

This way the HUD really grabs your attention , warning you BEFORE you hit danger levels. If you need help, your buddy diver can see at a glance what the status of your unit is – even from the reflection of the HUD in your face mask.

It’s 100% reliable. Fibre-optic rods transmit light to the face mask – nothing to go wrong, nothing to flood, no problem under pressure. In the unlikely event your handset fails completely, the low-powered HUDs independently provide enough unit status information to enable a manual closed circuit egress if necessary.

  1. PO 2 close to Setpoint = 2 solid green lights - Green For Go
  2. Low oxygen = slow flashing red. High oxygen = fast flashing red

Other combinations communicate a variety of messages - e.g. alternate red and green = a cell warning, solid red = a non-suppressible warning (deco ceiling violation etc) - but in reality, any red light at all indicates... "check your handset".

Brilliant news for underwater photographers… Your dive is no longer dominated by continual reference to the handset display, conveniently placed as that may be… In normal use, the HUD shows two green lights. If a warning is generated, you see one or two reds… In reality any flash of red at the HUD had me referring to the handset instantly. Green meant good, and red meant check.”

John Bantin - Visionary Evolution - Diver Test Special


Live rebreather and decompression information at-a-glance

  • World’s only fibre-optic no-flood HUD
  • Two independent displays - one for each controller
  • No distractions, simple messages – Green for Go…
  • Advance warning before danger levels reached
  • Your dive buddy can see your unit status easily
  • Adjustable brightness for day and night diving

In brief...

  • Rebreather status in line-of-sight - throughout the dive
  • Vivid OLED colour display - with excellent readability even in very poor viz
  • Real-time dive information - delivered direct to the diver’s eye
  • Magnified virtual image projected in front of the diver for exceptional image clarity
  • Conditional colouring of text and graphics for intuitive communication of status changes - Green = good, Yellow = info alert, Red = warning
  • New Ascent Rate and Ceiling Height graphical displays
  • Super adjustable articulated mount allows positional preference
  • Low power consumption – powered by the rebreathers’s dual supply
  • Upgrade path for all AP rebreathers with Vision electronics
  • Ideal for photographers, film-makers or anyone preferring hands-free monitoring to work or play underwater
  • CE Approved


Take the guesswork out of Scrubber duration

  • Real-time tracking of the thermal reaction across the scrubber bed
  • Accounts for depth, work rate & water temperature
  • Performs reliably in cold or warm water, ascending or descending
  • Clear and accurate bar graph display of scrubber activity on wristset
  • Multiple advanced warnings – on HUDs, buzzer and wristset
  • Extend dive durations with confidence in your Scrubber life

The 'Tempstik' Scrubber Life Monitor compares temperatures throughout the Sofnolime scrubber bed and gives an accurate display of the chemical activity occurring in real-time, reflecting the dive conditions and taking into account the factors – depth, work rate and water temperature – that affect scrubber duration. It will even take account of partially used Sofnolime and give multiple warnings (suppressible up to the final warning) - in addition to the visual bar graph - well in advance of scrubber exhaustion.

Why use a Scrubber Monitor?

In a word, confidence. The variables affecting scrubber duration are too multiple to offer accurate predictions of scrubber life for all possible conditions. For this reason our manufacturer’s stated times for the 2 sizes of scrubber - 3 hours and 2 hours - were achieved when testing using deliberately harsh conditions (cold water 4 º C, with a breathing rate of 40lpm, producing CO 2 at 1.6lpm). That is, they are deliberately conservative. In reality, you may be in warmer water and not breathing that hard. So, you know you’ve got more dive time than the manufacturer says. But how much more?

The truth is, because of all the variables, it’s impossible to say and therefore IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that the stated guide times should be strictly adhered to if you are not using a Tempstik.

This is where the Scrubber Life Monitor really excels. The reaction zone in the scrubber is affected directly and in real-time by the work rate, depth and water conditions and so the Tempstik takes all the guesswork out, displays what is actually going on and allows you to extend dive duration with complete confidence in your scrubber life.


The AP Diving CO 2 Sensor is an ‘active warning device’ designed to alert the diver when the CO 2 content of the breathing loop is approaching a dangerous level. This could be due to depletion of the CO 2 absorbent canister or incorrect assembly resulting in CO 2 bypass of the canister. The sensor is intended as an option that can be used with or without the APD Scrubber Life Monitor (Tempstik).

  • Simple Plug & Play operation: Providing the Vision electronics are programmed with the correct software version (V05.01.02 onwards), you simply plug the CO 2 sensor into the lid connection. The firmware recognises the CO 2 sensor and activates the appropriate displays and warnings.
  • Monitors CO 2 levels within the breathing loop and warns the diver prior to the level becoming harmful
  • Single warning level when the diver should ascend immediately and bailout from the rebreather loop
  • Warnings are displayed on the Vision handset and via the HUD and the audible alarm
  • Sensor uses an advanced algorithm that compensates for pressure and temperature
  • Disposable desiccant cartridge assures accurate monitoring when loop has high humidity levels. (to be changed every 20-30 hours of diving – AP Diving recommend using the ‘Elapsed time’ feature to monitor protector duration) and protectors to be stored in their sealed packaging until ready for use)
  • Can be used with or without existing APD Tempstik Scrubber Life Monitor
  • New mixing chamber supplied for mounting the CO2 sensor
  • Sensor is checked for operation during Vision Electronics start up
  • Factory calibrated during assembly and simply zeroed during oxygen sensor calibration
  • Low power consumption and powered by the Vision rebreather batteries
  • Suitable for use with all diving gas mixes


Review every dive quickly & easily

  • Download dive data to your PC or Mac
  • View dive profile and zoom-in to real-time dive details
  • Create personal dive graphs and electronic logbook
  • The only CCR with a plug-n-play interface

All Inspiration rebreathers record up to 9 hours of dive data and each unit is supplied with an Interface Bridge and LogViewer program to download and view every detail.

You can download all your dive history to PC or Mac . Information recorded includes: dive profile, real-time PO 2 display, PO 2 switches, scrubber probe temperatures, cell errors/warnings and surface interval, decompression, ambient temperature, battery voltages, and gas toxicity (CNS, OTUs).

Transfer data into a spreadsheet to create your own personal graphs, showing PO 2 from all 3 cells and depth, recorded every 10 seconds, throughout the dive.

You can zoom in – almost indefinitely. You can even see the display you saw during the dive including the Scrubber Monitor. Events such as Ascent warning are logged as they occur and are clearly visible as you scroll across the dive display.

In the Logbook section you can manually record personal dive details: location, boat, buddy, weather, gas consumption etc. Your underwater time, surface interval prior to that dive and what decompression safety margins you used are recorded automatically.

Software & Firmware Upgrades

Futureproof - with simple upgrades via email or internet

AP Inspiration rebreathers let you upgrade software safely wherever you are. Verified files, received over the internet, may be uploaded directly to your rebreather's electronics at the click of a button. All firmware can be changed in the same way, as and when updates become available.

Program updates, language options (currently 12) and user registration screen updates may be downloaded over the internet and uploaded to the Vision electronics via the same interface. Deco software options are easily changed to convert the unit through the various levels whilst instructors can order un-activated rebreathers with software enabled only via a specific pass-key.


The Closed Circuit / Open Circuit Multifunctional Dive Planning & Storage Solution

The AP Projection Dive Planner & Store software is one of the most powerful CC / OC dive planners on the market. It quickly calculates decompression for all types of gas, dive profiles and dive sequences. It is supplied with the "DiveStore", a USB key that can be connected directly to the rebreather (via the Tempstik plug) to download all logged dives. The DiveStore holds up to 1,000 dives and has plenty more memory available for your runtimes, photos and other important data.

  • Simplified calculation for all CC / OC diving profiles with all gas mixtures
  • Uses the Buhlmann C and Hahn algorithm for surface desaturation
  • Plan simple or successive, cave or wreck dives
  • 1GB waterproof USB key for saving your dive profiles, runtimes, photos…
  • Plug & Play data transfer from CCR to DiveStore to PC
  • Customize and print your dive tables and profiles