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O-Ring Applicator Tool Kit for AP8 Series Mini-Cylinder Valves

39,69 € 32,80 €

APTOOL8/SK - O-Ring Applicator Tool Kit for AP8 Series Mini-Cylinder Valves

Unique tools to aid the replacement of O-Rings during service/reassembly of the AP8D, AP8DM14, AP8D300, AP8P & AP8PM14 Mini-Cylinder Valves.

Kit Includes:

APTOOL2 - O-Ring Applicator Tool to locate the O-Ring t
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APTOOL8/SK - O-Ring Applicator Tool Kit for AP8 Series Mini-Cylinder Valves

Unique tools to aid the replacement of O-Rings during service/reassembly of the AP8D, AP8DM14, AP8D300, AP8P & AP8PM14 Mini-Cylinder Valves.

Kit Includes:

APTOOL2 - O-Ring Applicator Tool to locate the O-Ring to the central groove of the purge spindle without damaging or stretching the O-Ring.

APTOOL6 - O-Ring Applicator Tool. Used in conjunction with APTOOL7 to insert and seat the O-Ring into the internal groove of the purge cavity.

APTOOL7 - FS101 O-Ring Seating Tool. See images above.

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