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Oxygen Measurement for Divers

21,50 € 21,50 €

Oxygen Measurement for Divers - By John S. Lamb [2nd Edition. 2016 - Paperback]

The authour, John Lamb has over 40 years practical experience in the field of oxygen measurement and monitoring, from medicine to technical diving applications.

Both John and his wife Jean are BSAC advanced divers, advanced nitrox
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Oxygen Measurement for Divers - By John S. Lamb [2nd Edition. 2016 - Paperback]

The authour, John Lamb has over 40 years practical experience in the field of oxygen measurement and monitoring, from medicine to technical diving applications.

Both John and his wife Jean are BSAC advanced divers, advanced nitrox divers and since 2000, closed circuit rebreather divers. They are also co-founders and directors of two businesses, Viamed Ltd (medical) and Vandagraph Ltd. The latter was formed specifically to produce the oxygen analysis equipment that the developing technical diving and later rebreather diving community demanded.

The underlying principle of Oxygen Measurement for Divers is that "...the methods used in oxygen analysis should be substantiated by scientific data and produce results continuously accurate and reproducible, without extensive training by the most inexperienced beginner."

Topics covered include:

  • Theory and Construction of Sensors
  • Effects of Temperature, Pressure, Humidity
  • Sensor Accuracy - Life Stability
  • Measurement Techniques
  • Use and Misuse in Rebreathers
  • Examine the facts and remove the many myths

This comprehensively extended 2nd edition is a valuable reference for any diver and instructor using Nitrox - mixed gases and rebreathers.

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